Ok so it's been one work week, and the studi is ready. Take a look at these pics. According to the powers that be, this studio will be operational by 9:30 tonight!!! CRAZY!!!
Well the coolest station in Metro, deserves the coolest control room. This is the room where it all happens. This is where the personalities come up with the things that keep you entertained during the day. This is the room where we like to have a nap when the boss isn't looking. This is the room where we can feel free to let a major fart rip because the room is soundproof.
It is important to have a cool studio so the creativity flows! (or the donair from last night) I plan to post before and after pics of our new home. Here is update #1:
I was sent a YouTube video from a girl who plays on DAL's Ultimate Frisbee team. Before you start laughing, these guys take their sport (?) very seriously. I also take her plea for a Valentine very seriously.
If you think this chick can "D" (whatever that means), and you don't think that frisbee is for geeks, and dogs, you should get in contact with the team, and go on a date with her.
Frisbee has never been sexier.
From Listener:"You should put the video on your blog! Then it can become viral (and now that I know what the hell that means, I'm happy to have found an occasion to use it in a sentence). Plus maybe it will help me find a Valentine! (insert crowd saying "awww" here).